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William McKay Life Award

This award was renamed the William McKay Honorary Life Award in 2009 to honour William G McKay, Association President 1953-1954, winner of the AWWA Fuller award 1978, the WEF Bedell award 1988, the WCW Lindsten award 1956, and member of the Association since its inception in 1949.

Recipient should be retired from the industry and must have had a minimum of 20 years membership with a Western Canada Water Constituent Organization. Nominees not chosen in any one year shall be considered in the following year, but if not chosen must be re-nominated. The number of recipients each year is to be limited to a total of three.


Kathy Abramowski Cheng Ping Hwang Gerald B Samuel
George Balacko* Allan Jamieson* James Scaife*
Andy Bebbington Jerome Karakochuk Al Schwinghamer
Tony Balezantis Wolf Keller Calvin Sexsmith
John Barrett Allan Kendrick Arthur Sparling*
Alvin Beier Kelly Kjartanson Ed Spohr
Matt Bernat Harold Lewis Dalton Stafford*
James Beveridge Mike MacIsaac Glen Steinke
Patrick Bouthillier* Jeff Mander Allan Stephen*
Ben Boots Dave Maunder* Peter Thiele
Robert Brockmeyer Brad McIntosh Don Thomas
Fred Catterall William McKay* Doug Thorson
R Lynne Coulter Eugene McWillie Joseph Urbanoski*
Jack Cronk Bert E Miller Mike Van Den Bosch
Allan Davies Albert Munro Wayne Wall*
Andy Dmitruk L A Overn* Jim Warrener*
Gus Feitzelmayer Maurice Pardoe Bryan Weber
Alan Grant Edith Phillips Don Wright
Norm Grexton Don Poon Gordon Zieffle
Jim Hepler George Pratt
Dale Heshka Del Reinhart


If you know anyone worthy of an award click here to submit your nomination.