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Fresh Ideas Poster Contest

The Western Canada Section of American Water Works Association (WCS AWWA) hosts the annual AWWA Fresh Ideas Poster competition in conjunction with the WCW Annual Conference and Exhibition.

The Fresh Ideas Poster Contest is an annual poster competition organized by the American Water Waterworks Association (AWWA). Fresh Ideas Poster Contest is designed to encourage Young Professionals (YP) and students to participate at conferences held by individual AWWA Sections as well as the annual AWWA conference. The contest provides participants an excellent opportunity to showcase and share their insight and experience and to exchange ideas with a wide range of water professionals.

Each AWWA Section holds its own competition at its Section Conference to determine the winner. All Section winners are then eligible to move on to compete at the next AWWA Annual Conference and Expo (ACE).

The first step in participating in the contest is to submit an abstract regarding a poster topic. Presenters will then be chosen from submitted abstracts to participate in the poster competition at the WCW conference.

For questions about contest details, rules and registration download the Contest Information 

Submission Deadline June 30

See the ACE23 Winners & Photos

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